General Imaging
Our comfortable imaging suite features state-of-the-art equipment for pleasant, private and efficient service. The Imaging Department is staffed by registered technologists with advanced certification who are dedicated to making you feel comfortable and confident about your picture of health. Digital x-ray images are sent electronically to board-certified radiologists, with final reports available within minutes.
3D Mammography
3D Mammography technology combines conventional 2-dimensional mammogram images with additional 3-dimensional views, enhancing the views of breast tissue resulting in several benefits. Patients may self-refer without a physician order if over age 40.
Digital Mammograms mean:
Bone Density Scanning
Take the first step towards healthier bones! DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absortiometry) is a quick and painless way to measure bone mineral density. More sensitive than a standard x-ray, DEXA offers precision accuracy to help doctors diagnose osteoporosis. A physician’s order is required for this test.
An echocardiogram is an ultrasound test that checks the structure and function of your heart. An echo can diagnose a range of conditions including cardiomyopathy and valve disease.
4D Ultrasound
Ultrasound imaging uses high-frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body. It’s a painless, noninvasive test with no x-ray radiation involved. Madelia Health offers a variety of ultrasound procedures including stroke and cardiovascular screenings. OB ultrasound is also available with revolutionary 4D imaging that enables you to watch your unborn baby in motion.
Computed Tomography (CT)
CT—sometimes called CAT scanning—is a noninvasive test that helps physicians diagnose illnesses and injuries. CT combines special x-ray equipment with sophisticated computers to produce detailed images of internal organs, bones, soft tissue and blood vessels. CT scans provide the lowest radiation dose available, in a relaxing atmosphere that provides comfort throughout your exam.
Request a referral
If your doctor orders a radiology examination, request a referral to Madelia Health. We gladly provide radiology services to patients of all area health care providers. Call (507) 642-5221 for information on how to receive radiology examinations locally in a comfortable and convenient environment.