
Thank you for choosing Madelia Health for your health care needs. Our mission is to serve with compassionate care in a patient-centered environment. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to complete any surveys you receive regarding your visits here. Our Chief Clinical Officer reviews all submitted survey responses for feedback that will help us reward staff who are making a positive impact on patient experience, evaluate opportunities for improvement, and monitor trends.

If you have feedback you would like to share with us, please feel free to contact Roz Snyder at (507) 642-3255 or submit your experience at the bottom of this page. All responses are anonymous unless you identify yourself.

Roz Snyder
121 Drew Ave SE, Madelia, MN 56062
Phone (507) 642-3255

"*" indicates required fields

I would like to be a part of the Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)*
The Patient and Family Advisory Council encourages patients, their families, and members of our healthcare team to work together to improve overall patient experience at Madelia Health.