Our fantastic Clinic Crew during Hospital Week

Madelia Clinic

Same Day Appointments

Same day appointments are available at the Clinic during regular clinic hours. Please call for an appointment: 507.642.5200.

After clinic hours, the Emergency Department is available 24/7 at the Hospital.


Our Clinic offers a full range of primary health care services to the Madelia area including:

  • Preventive Medicine
  • Disease Management
  • Pediatrics
  • Prenatal Care

  • Illness Care including Workers’ Compensation

  • Lactation/IBCLC Services

  • Holter Monitor Testing

Telehealth Appointments

We can see patients at the Clinic via telehealth. This is a great way to have an appointment with your provider without even leaving your home. Telehealth is not to be used for Urgent Care or for Emergency situations, but it works well for mental health visits, prescription refills, and medical follow-ups for pre-existing conditions like diabetes. If you are interested in scheduling a Telehealth Clinic appointment, just call and schedule it like a regular appointment at 507.642.5200.

Hours & Contact Information

Madelia Health Waiting Room

Primary Care Providers

Primary care providers are uniquely trained to guide you through all the stages of life. They get to know you, your history, your family and your health needs better than anyone. They can also coordinate your care with a specialist if you need one.

Mental Health Providers

Lake Crystal Clinic

Now at 200 E. Prince St.
(across the street from our previous location in the Crystal Seasons building)

Same Day Appointments

Same day appointments are available at the Clinic during regular clinic hours. Please call for an appointment: 507.726.2136.

Primary Care Providers

Providers at the Lake Crystal Clinic see patients of all ages, from children to older adults. They care for acute illnesses, minor injuries, and chronic diseases. They also provide medication management, immunizations, well-child care, sports physicals, adult physicals and preventive health care. Many laboratory tests and services are offered on-site.

Hours & Contact Information

Visit our NEW office!

Covid 19 Vaccine

Truman Clinic

Same Day Appointments

Same day appointments are available at the Clinic during regular clinic hours. Please call for an appointment: 507.776.8783 (TRUE).

Primary Care Provider

Caregivers at the Truman Clinic see patients of all ages, from children to older adults. They care for acute illnesses, minor injuries, and chronic diseases. They also provide medication management, allergy testing, immunizations, well-child care, sports physicals, adult physicals and preventive health care. Many laboratory tests and services are also offered on-site.

We also have a certified lactation consultant at the Truman Clinic who can provide assistance with common breastfeeding problems such as positioning, latch, milk supply challenges, infant weight gain, breast pump fit, breast and nipple problems, return-to-work issues, and weaning issues.  Lactation services are not limited to patients experiencing breastfeeding difficulties – services also include prenatal education and general breastfeeding support.

Hours & Contact Information

St. James Clinic

Same Day Appointments

Same day appointments available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Call for an appointment:  507.942.6475

Primary Care Provider

Caregivers at the St. James Clinic see patients of all ages, from children to older adults. They care for acute illnesses, minor injuries, and chronic diseases. They can also provide medication management, immunizations, well-child care, sports physicals, adult physicals and preventive health care. Many laboratory tests and services are also be offered on-site. We are excited to care for patients in St. James!

Hours & Contact Information

  • 501 1st Ave. S., St. James, MN 56081

  • (507) 942-6476 – fax

  • Same Day Appointments Available!

  • Mon. – Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.