Madelia Community Hospital Foundation Awards Scholarships

Published On: July 13th, 2020|Categories: News|

The Madelia Community Hospital (MCH) Foundation has awarded three scholarships to area students who are pursuing degrees in healthcare. All MCH Foundation scholarships are renewable, providing multi-year support to area students.

The MCH Foundation Healthcare Scholarship for Madelia was awarded to Mackenzie Peterson of Madelia High School. Peterson will be attending North Dakota State University studying Pharmacy. This $500 scholarship is awarded each year to a Madelia student who is pursuing a career in health care.

Lake Crystal Wellcome Memorial High School graduate, Liz Nachreiner, is the recipient of two MCH Foundation scholarships this year. She has been awarded the Yoshiko Masters Memorial Scholarship for $1,000, and the MCH Foundation Healthcare Scholarship for Lake Crystal for $500. Funding for the Yoshiko Masters Scholarship was provided by a donation to the Madelia Community Hospital Foundation from Pam and Michael Masters. It was given in memory of Yoshiko Masters, a former MCHC laboratory employee. The MCH Foundation Healthcare Scholarship for Lake Crystal is awarded each year to a Lake Crystal student who is pursuing a career in health care. Liz will be attending the University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse studying to becoming a physician.

The deadline for the Pam Masters Nursing Scholarship has been extended to September 1. This $1,000 renewable scholarship is available for Madelia-area students interested in pursuing a degree in nursing. Applicants for this scholarship can be non-traditional students considering a career change, current healthcare professionals seeking further education in their field, or high school seniors just beginning their healthcare education. Applications are available at under the Foundation tab.

We are very excited to award these scholarships to these deserving students from our community. We hope these scholarships will inspire and encourage students to dedicate their lives to helping others. For more information contact: Dona Rehome, Marketing Coordinator 507.642.5225

Healthcare scholarships are made possible through generous donations from the community and faithful MCHC supporters. The scholarships are offered annually to demonstrate our commitment to local healthcare and our youth.

Mackenzie Peterson

Mackenzie Peterson - MCHC Scholarship Recipient

Liz Nachreiner

Liz Nachreiener - MCHC Scholarship Recipient

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